Kyle Hamilton discusses DC Zach Orr’s vision for the Ravens’ defense

Kyle Hamilton discusses DC Zach Orr’s vision for the Ravens’ defense

All eyes are on first-time defensive coordinator Zach Orr this season as he fills the large shoes left by Mike Macdonald for the Baltimore Ravens.

One of the most important players for Orr’s defense this season is third-year All-Pro safety Kyle Hamilton, who was asked what jumps out with Orr’s vision for the defense.

I would say just letting us go out there and play,Hamilton said. “I think that’s such a big thing that can get lost sometimes in defenses because it’s a very ego-filled business sometimes. Not saying that within the Ravens – with stuff I’ve heard [around the league] it’s just like, ‘We’re going to do our defense this way, and this is how you’re going to play, and this is the leverage you’re going to play, and that’s it, no ifs, ands or buts.’ I think ‘Z.O.’ [Zach Orr] and everybody in the room has done a great job of just saying, ‘What do you see this as? I want you guys to play fast if I can simplify it for [you all]. Not trying to dress up everything, to cover every single play that the offense has and just let [you all] play fast, you [guys] are good enough athletes to go take care of it.’ I think that’s something he’s done really well with, and he just does a great job of just managing everything, and I’m super excited for him.

Early signs are positive for Orr as he looks to maintain one of the league’s best defenses from a season ago.