Doug Eddings’ horrible night led to the Blue Jays hitting coach getting ejected before a game

The umps couldn’t handle the heat.

The Toronto Blue Jays broadcast knew something was different when the team sent hitting coach Guillermo Martinez out there to exchange lineup cards before Wednesday’s game — a job typically reserved for the manager or select players.

Well, it turned out Martinez had a reason for the appearance at home plate. He still wasn’t over the abysmal performance from umpire Doug Eddings. And Martinez let him know about it.

During Tuesday night’s game, Eddings put forth the worst effort behind the plate from an umpire this season. He missed 29 calls — nearly all of them were balls that were called strikes. On top of that, the calls heavily favored the White Sox in the Blue Jays’ eventual 7-6 loss in 12 innings.

So, that all led to this exchange before the game.

Martinez had a few words for Eddings and the umpiring crew, and before the game even had a chance to start, the Blue Jays hitting coach was ejected. Martinez knew exactly what was going to happen there, but you almost hoped that the crew would have owned up to the terrible night and let him get those words in.

But these are umpires we’re talking about here. That was never going to happen.