NFL fans begged the Bengals to get a better offensive line after learning Joe Burrow played the Super Bowl with a sprained MCL

The Bengals HAVE to do a better job protecting Joe Burrow

Joe Burrow handled himself quite well in the Super Bowl for a third-year quarterback who was playing in the game for the first time ever.

He went 22-33 while throwing for 263 yards and a single touchdown. Those aren’t eye-popping numbers, but he kept the mistakes down against a tough Rams defense and gave the Bengals a real shot to win.

But it ain’t really too much any quarterback can do when they drop back and get sacked 7 (seven!!!) times in one game. That’s just not possible.

Clearly, that’s what happened to Burrow. And those sacks apparently led to him getting a sprained MCL at some point during the game, according to head coach Zac Taylor.

This man was on a sprained MCL, y’all. That’s insane. Fans were practically begging the Bengals to make some offensive line upgrades.