Watch: Georgia fan drinks 1980 national championship Coca-Cola

A Georgia fan actually drank his 1980 Coca-Cola. He gave us an update on how it tasted and how he’s doing.

The 1980 Georgia Bulldogs national championship Coca-Cola bottle — we all have one or know someone who has the classic bottle.

We’ve joked over the years. “When Georgia finally wins it all again, I’m cracking this bad boy open.”

Well, the Bulldogs finally won it all Monday night when they beat Alabama 33-18 to win the national championship. We started wondering who would be our laboratory rat and be the first to drink their 41 year-old bottle of Coke.

That man would appear to be 57 year-old Wesley Mullins of Savannah, Georgia (video below).

“I had three bottles so I figured I could drink one!,” Mullins said.

There are two big questions every Georgia fans wants to know: How did it taste, and how is Mullins feeling?

“It tasted ok, just flat as you know what,” he said.

And my favorite comment from Mullins was in response to his current health status one day after drinking the bottle. He’s not feeling great, but he credits that to the bourbon rather than the Coke.

“I feel like crap…I think that was from the bourbon not the 1980 Coke.”

I commented on Mullins’ bravery, but a humble hero, Mullins simply replied:

“Bourbon will make you do that. Plus over 40 years of waiting.”

Wesley Mullins, ladies and gentlemen. A Damn Good Dawg.