Take a spin on the Florida football head coach carousel over the past decade

Pat Dooley breaks down the past decade’s head coach carousel in Gainesville.

The SEC, as we all know, is different. Yes, it just means more, but it’s not always a good place to move if you want your children to spend a significant amount of time in the 14 (soon to be 16) cities and villages that make up this conference.

Maybe the new slogan could be: “The SEC. We Fire Coaches.”

This is the conference that has fired two coaches within two seasons of them feeling the sweet flutters of confetti for winning it all. Win your division? Big at the time, meaningless eventually.

It’s a cutthroat league where coaches preach loyalty but are only loyal to their paychecks. Come to the SEC and you will be set for life financially, but there is a decent chance you will have to suffer the indignation of being canned, which is always a great headline for your kids to read.

We have certainly seen it at Florida, a school on a three-coach losing streak. But it wasn’t all bad. Here’s a look at the Florida careers of the last three coaches, a little more than a decade of dysfunction since Urban Meyer left: