KSW 58 video: Shamil Musaev kicks off brawl with post-win slam on Uros Jurisic

Shamil Musaev showed absolutely zero class in the wake of his victory over Uros Jurisic at KSW 58, instigating a brawl in the process.

[autotag]Shamil Musaev[/autotag] showed absolutely zero class in the wake of his victory over [autotag]Uros Jurisic[/autotag] on Saturday at KSW 58.

Following a solid and competitive three-round fight on the main card of the event, Musaev (14-0) was declared the winner by unanimous decision to remain undefeated against Jurisic (11-1), who was handed his first professional loss.

Jurisic’s team showed some displeasure with the decision in the immediate aftermath, but just when it seemed cooler heads were about to prevail, Musaev went over over to Jurisic, said something, wrapped him up in a body lock and slammed him to the mat before unleashing a flurry of punches on the mat before security and team members could break them up.

The scuffle continued, but eventually they were pulled apart and tempers fizzled. Check out what happened in the videos below (via Twitter):

The commentators said on the broadcast that there’s a high probability punishments would be issued to everyone involved from KSW promotors.

As of now, though, nothing has been announced in regard to the situation.

Nevertheless, it was a stain on Musaev’s victory in what was otherwise a solid performance from him against Jurisic.

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