Bo Nix pulled off this ridiculous touchdown run and college football fans couldn’t believe it

Wow. This really happened.

There have been some pretty ridiculous touchdowns scored this college football season, but it’s hard to think of one that tops what Bo Nix just did for Auburn.

This play looked absolutely dead. It looked like he was going to get sacked and Auburn was going to have a long third-and-goal ahead of them. NOPE. None of the above.

Instead, Bo Nix just made the most Bo Nix play ever.

He, somehow, escapes the sack after it looked like he was guaranteed to go down. He turns up field, finds a few blockers and somehow makes his way into the endzone.

This is unbelievable, yo.

Somebody has to explain this because I have no idea how this happened. This play had everyone questioning everything, but also simultaneously realizing of course it makes no sense because it’s Bo Nix. And, again, this is the most Bo Nix play ever.

Yup. Sounds about right.