Report: President Trump called Kevin Warren to talk about ‘immediately starting up Big Ten football’

As if the Big Ten offseason couldn’t get any more interesting. According to a tweet this morning from President Trump himself, he called…

As if the Big Ten offseason couldn’t get any more interesting.

According to a tweet this morning from President Trump himself; he called Big Ten commissioner Kevin Warren today to talk about “immediately starting up Big Ten football.”

This coming after the conference recently released documents detailing an 11-3 vote by the schools’ presidents to postpone the season during their meetings in early August.

As you remember correctly there was much discussion about whether there was a vote and how the decision was reached.

Warren and the conference have been adamant over the last couple days that the decision to postpone the season is final and they will “actively consider options to get back to competition when it is safe to play.”

We’ll never know the content of the call between President Trump and Warren. One thing that is clear through all of this, though, is that were the conference to revisit their decision it won’t be up to the commissioner whether they play or not.

It has been and always will be up to the schools’ presidents.