Watch: Notre Dame commit Fisher maul opponents

Watch Irish offensive tackle commit Blake Fisher dominate his competition at the Traction Midwest Exposure Skills Camp.

It’s safe to say Irish offensive tackle commit Blake Fisher was ready for today’s Traction Midwest Exposure Skills Camp.

The massive lineman, 6 feet, 6 inches and 310 pounds, put on an impressive show. Just see for yourself.




According to the 247Sports composite rankings, Fisher ranks 51st overall and 8th among tackles nationally. He is ranked as the best player in Indiana, and the Irish are getting a fantastic prospect. Fisher has shown, if needed, the ability to slide to guard and still be a very effective lineman.

When Fisher arrives on campus next year, a huge opportunity awaits for him to see the field early. The offensive line is set to graduate Liam Eichenberg, Tommy Kraemer, and Robert Hainsey. Although Aaron Banks and Josh Lugg could return for a fifth season, they could be on the way out as well. This movement along the offensive line presents Fisher with a prime opportunity for early playing time, and after seeing what he did today, it wouldn’t surprise me at all for him to play as a true freshman.