In times like these, the sports world converges with real life and a call to do your part as an American to make a difference. The novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, is a global crisis that is taxing the healthcare of this country and planet. The crisis continues to grow by the day, meaning the need to help others continues to expand almost exponentially.
One of those areas that have been impacted greatly is our nation’s blood bank. With all the hospitals feeling the influx of patients, there’s a big need to get more blood to assist others that require it as a part of the therapy to improve and get better.
Ohio State wrestling coach Tom Ryan is bringing awareness to the problem and challenging Buckeye Nation to answer the call. He shared a video to Twitter of himself at a Red Cross donation center asking those that can, to sign up and give blood.
And it’s easy, and perhaps most important, safe. All you have to do is go to and sign up to give the literal gift of life during this awful pandemic.
It’s not often that we ask you to share something, but maybe we can get the word out and others can do a little bit of something to help in this extreme time of need. You can do this and still practicing the social distancing guidelines and stay at home orders that will get us all through this.
Click on the below video from Ryan and hear from him directly on this challenge to act.
Challenge from @Buckeye158:
“Massive blood shortage due to Corona virus. Every pint saves 3 lives. Go to & sign up for date, location & time. Help by giving. I enlisted to fight as a proud American. I challenge you.”#CV19BloodChallengeEnlisted
— Ohio State Wrestling (@wrestlingbucks) March 26, 2020
Come on Buckeye fans and fans of the human race in general, let’s get the word out on this one!