Giants’ Dave Gettleman admits fault in one area, promises change

New York Giants GM Dave Gettleman rarely admits fault, but acknowledged on Tuesday that he’s done this one thing wrong and vows change.

New York Giants general manager Dave Gettleman gave another jaw-dropping performance at the NFL Combine on Tuesday when he discussed his philosophies with the media. Some of his statements had the masses checking the calendar to see what year, uh what decade, it was.

Earth to Dave: This is an offensive league. Yes, defense wins but only in Week 19. The first 18 weeks your offense has to get you there. Teams built around defense don’t usually make it as far as they used to. The 21st Century formula is to have an explosive offense with a defense that can make key stops to preserve leads.

Another key tidbit was Gettleman’s revelation about renegotiating contracts.

Wow. No wonder players bash him on the way out the door. This admission means that Gettleman has been willing to pay more or even let players hit free agency instead of locking them up long term in potential cost-saving moves.

Add these to the fact that Gettleman has never traded back in the draft to amass more capital and you get the picture of why he shouldn’t be running a football operation in 2020.

And you wonder why the Giants are a mess…

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