Kenny Atkinson didn’t know just how significant Nets’ win over Pacers was initially

The Brooklyn Nets’ win over the Indiana Pacers on Monday was their biggest on the road this season — not terms of score, but significance.

Unless you’re a team that’s tanking, every win helps the cause over the course of an NBA season. Though some can have a deeper meaning or even help set a new course for a team mid-season.

Brooklyn’s 106-105 win over the Indiana Pacers on Monday may not alter the tone of the Nets’ 2019-20 season, but it was more significant than “just another win.”

It’s always memorable for a team when a player nails a game-winning shot in the closing seconds of a contest. Still, Spencer Dinwiddie didn’t just give the Nets a highlight for their 2019-20 reel.

Monday’s game was Brooklyn’s first win against a winning team on the road.

Kenny Atkinson had no idea that was the case until he was informed at hist post-game press conference following the win.

Well, I did not know that stat. So, I was happy until you told me that. I mean, yeah, it just boosts your confidence. And it bosts your chemistry when you get a win and guys make big plays, and they trust it more. It was a good start. We obviously have a lot more difficult games to go on the road against good teams. So, hopefully, this was the beginning of getting some more.

The Nets will need more wins like Monday’s come playoff time if they hope to get past the first round of the playoffs.

Brooklyn will face another winning team on the road after the All-Star break when they take a trip to Philadelphia on February 20.