Steve Spagnuolo doesn’t know if anything will top Super Bowl XLII

Former New York Giants defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo admits that Super Bowl XLII may never be topped.

It took 12 incredibly long years filled with many ups and downs, but Steve Spagnuolo is back in the Super Bowl, this time serving as defensive coordinator for the Kansas City Chiefs.

But as exciting as returning the scene of his greatest accomplishment is, the former New York Giants defensive coordinator and interim head coach admits it may not be as special as what Big Blue was able to accomplish in Super Bowl XLII.

“I remember saying this to myself: ‘As great as it was in ’07, I hope that’s not the end or the ultimate,'” Spagnuolo said, via Newsday. “‘I hope there is something better than that.’

“Being here does bring me back to [2007]. What we did then, nobody expected. I remember them talking about the 19-0 book that was already written, right? And the boys got all fired up about it.”

If the Chiefs win, the emotions will undoubtedly consume Spags and he won’t be thinking about 2007. Or will he?

“I don’t know whether that would be the case or not because that was pretty special,” Spagnuolo said when asked if this would be more special than 2007. “But I’m sure glad to be involved with it again.”

Of all the former Giants players and coaches in the Super Bowl, Spagnuolo is among the most-loved. And you’d be hard-pressed to find any Giants fan legitimately rooting against him.

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