7 Sports Cave: WolverinesWire, Justin Rose and John U. Bacon break down Michigan – MSU

WolverinesWire joins WXYZ Detroit sports anchor Justin Rose and John U. Bacon yo breakdown the Wolverines domination of the Spartans.

Back on June 11, WXYZ Detroit sports anchor Justin Rose came onto the Locked on Wolverines Podcast and boldly proclaimed that Michigan State was so improved, it would come into Ann Arbor on Nov. 16 and take down the Michigan Wolverines.

Not so fast, my friend!

Michigan decimated Sparty, 44-10 on Saturday, so on the weekly 7 Sports Cave program, Rose had WolverinesWire’s Isaiah Hole and esteemed New York Times bestselling author John U. Bacon on your talk about the beat down.

The entire episode is below, but the segments on Michigan and MSU begin after Rose and a guest discuss the Detroit Lions game.


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