7 questions for Rams coming out of 2020 NFL Draft

What is the Rams’ plan at linebacker and along the offensive line.

Charles LeClaire-USA TODAY Sports

What will the offensive line look like?

It seemed unfathomable that the Rams could ignore the offensive line until the seventh round, but that’s what they did. Tremayne Anchrum was their only pick on the O-line, coming at No. 250 overall.

Andrew Whitworth will be the starting left tackle, but the other four spots are up in the air. Right tackle might be Rob Havenstein’s job to lose if he isn’t traded, and Austin Blythe has a good chance to start at center if the Rams get sufficient play out of their guards.

Bobby Evans will probably be the swing tackle with Austin Corbett at left guard and David Edwards at right guard. But that’s just a guess at this point in the offseason because so much is still to be determined.

Regardless of how this competition shakes out, the Rams are betting on their young linemen, which is a huge risk.