6 things we learned from Frank Reich’s press conference

What we learned from Frank Reich’s presser.

Healthy tension

The Colts players have been working out all offseason in preparation of training camp but a ramp-up period is still needed before practices get truly physical.

Reich uses the term “healthy tension” in regards to how the team will get the players prepared for the physical practices and eventually the games over the next two weeks.

““I like to use the term healthy tension a lot. I’ve used that a fair amount with our team. A lot of time we look at tension as a bad word, but I think that healthy tension can be a good thing,” Reich said. “So in relation to what you’re saying Chap (Mike Chappell), on one hand I really trust our guys to come in and are in shape and ready to go. So, we are in one regard have the mindset of we’re pushing forward. We have a schedule. The schedule already has a built in – there is a ramp up built in the schedule.”

Regardless of the protocols, Reich wants his players ready to go all-out whenever they are working together.

“My mindset is when we are in a period, when we are in a phase, you’re taking the reins off and you’re going hard. You’re being physical, you’re playing hard, you’re playing fast. Everything in the schedule is built to protect them from overdoing it,” said Reich. “I feel confident about that. So, our job will be to push, understanding the schedule is built the way it is and then we will adapt as needed as we go.”