5 takeaways from the Bills’ 48-19 win over the Broncos

Takeaways from the Buffalo Bills’ Week 15 win over the Denver Broncos.

Well, that looked awfully easy.

En route to clinching their first AFC East title since 1995, the Buffalo Bills (11-3) just straight-up blew out the Denver Broncos (5-9) on Saturday. A final score beat down of 48-19 happened and really tells a lot of the story.

The game was just about never in doubt, and before we celebrate, let’s get to breaking this one down. Here are five takeaways from the Bills’ Week 15 win over the Broncos:

Bills quarterback Josh Allen. (AP Photo/Jack Dempsey)

All-around Allen

What didn’t Bills quarterback Josh Allen do against the Broncos? The entire package was on display again, as it has been recently for Buffalo.

After Allen and the Bills offense scored on their first drive of the game by really just dinking and dunking their way down the field, things were really opened up. On Buffalo’s second score on offense, Allen had passes of 17 and 15 yards before a 24-yard scramble got the Bills in the end zone again. Allen then reverted back to the passing scores, finding, of all players, Jake Kumerow for a 22-yard score on a drive that had the Bills pushed way back from the goal.

Another passing score? Time for a rushing one next from Allen… and that’s exactly what happened. After driving down the field with a couple of passes to Cole Beasley, Allen rushed in another, this time at the goal line. All of this also was pretty much in order. Buffalo had essentially four drives in the first half and three of the four went for scores, as did their first drive of the second half.

For those counting, we had two passing scores and two rushing scores. Plus, a 300-plus yard passing outing for the quarterback, 359 passing yards, in total, plus another 33 yards rushing the ball. Aside from the versatile ways of scoring, Allen was also extra impressive in facing the Broncos’ pass rush as well. He completed a lot of passes with guys right in his face and Allen’s making that look easy.

All things considered, that’s as “Josh Allen” as it gets, between the work with his arm and his legs. And like their defense, it’s starting to look like Buffalo’s quarterback is peaking at the right time, too.