5 Players who benefit from playing Alabama

Michigan football takes on Alabama in the Citrus Bowl on New Year’s Day. Which players will benefit the most from playing the Crimson Tide?

3. QB Shea Patterson

While quarterback Shea Patterson is highly unlikely to take his fifth-year option back at Michigan, he still has something to prove as he prepares for a chance at getting drafted in the NFL draft in April. Playing well against Alabama can be a big boost to his draft stock, and playing poorly could take him down a peg or two.

Patterson doesn’t need to prove anything else to the people at Michigan. They know what he has done for the school and a final win, especially against this team, would be a great way to end your career in Ann Arbor. Patterson has nothing to really lose and a win here would be the biggest win in his career at Michigan.

Additionally, another defensive back who could help his NFL draft stock…