5 options to be the next Patriots’ wide receiver coach

Five guys who could be the New England Patriots wide receivers coach in 2020.

Nick Caley

Nick Caley isn’t a household name — yet. He’s spent the last three seasons as the tight ends coach. Prior to that, he was an offensive assistant for two seasons. And, before the NFL, he was an assistant and positional coach at many stops in college including Florida Atlantic, Eastern Illinois, and (Patriots coaching pre-requisite) John Carroll.

In his three seasons as tight ends coach, the production may have gone down, but you can’t even compare the talent from 2017 to what we saw in 2019. In 2017, Rob Gronkowski was an All-Pro. In 2019, he was on a pre-game show. Given some real talent in a position group, he may be able to thrive, and as much criticism as the wide receiver group received this year, they aren’t talentless. Edelman, Harry, and Sanu could be an above-average group. They just may need the right coach to make it happen. Caley could be that guy.