3 takeaways from Colts’ 2020 schedule

Takeaways from the 2020 schedule.

The regular-season schedule for the Indianapolis Colts was released on Thursday night and even though we aren’t sure what’s ahead for the rest of the offseason, there is an outline for the season if it starts on time.

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How the Colts will do based on this schedule is hard to predict at this point in the offseason. We still made some predictions of course, but it is still hard to know for sure how it will all play out.

But when looking at the schedule, we can certainly gather some thoughts on how it is constructed and how it might impact the Colts one way or another.

Here are three takeaways from the regular-season schedule for the Colts:

Just one prime-time game

Begin in a small market like Indianapolis means prime-time games will be difficult to come by. In order to get those late night slots on Sunday and Monday night, the Colts have to be one of the best teams in the conference.

It’s obvious the league doesn’t feel the Colts are worth giving more than the one prime-time slot they are obligated to. Every team has to play at least one Thursday night game during the season but other teams still find themselves in prime time on an additional week.

It wasn’t expected that the Colts’ schedule would be littered with prime-time matchups. But they at least had some games that were worthy. At home, they host the Packers, Vikings and Ravens——all of which would have made fine prime-time games.