2024 NFL Draft trade value chart

2024 NFL Draft trade value chart

Trades are always a huge part of the NFL Draft. But how can we tell if a trade is valuable for a team? We have the Jimmy Johnson trade chart, of course.

Johnson devised a chart in the 1990s while with the Dallas Cowboys and assigned point values to every pick in the draft, from 3,000 points for the No. 1 pick down to one point for the last handful of picks in the seventh round.

Teams have since devised more modern charts thanks to the rookie wage scale introduced in 2011. Rich Hill’s chart, which starts at 1,000 points for the No. 1 pick, has gained in popularity among the league and analysts. But Johnson’s chart remains popular among the general fanbase.

So as you’re following the draft and a trade pops up, you can reference this chart to see who made out in the deal.