2020 NFL Draft Odds, Predictions, Betting Lines: 3rd Overall Pick. It’s Not As Easy As You Think

2020 NFL Draft: Odds, Betting Lines and Advice, and Predictions for the 3rd Overall Pick

2020 NFL Draft: Odds, Betting Lines and Advice, and Predictions for the 3rd Overall Pick

The 2020 NFL Draft is still going off on April 23rd – and there’s betting on it.

BetMGM has lines, odds, and wagering on the 2020 NFL Draft, and if you’re in the right state, click here to bet on any and all of it.

Who will be the third overall pick in the NFL Draft?

2020 NFL Draft Odds, Predictions, Betting Lines: 3rd Overall Pick

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3rd Overall Pick: Detroit Lions

And now is when this gets really, REALLY funky.

Just assume LSU QB Joe Burrow is going first overall, and if not, he’s going second. If he’s not the first overall pick, then Ohio State DE Chase Young will be a mortal lock to be the main man. If it’s Burrow at the 1, it’ll be Young at the 2, unless …

Washington trades out of it.

Just how much does Washington believe in Dwayne Haskins? There are some rumblings out there – more like bored musings in the time of quarantine – that the Redskins might think about one of the top quarterbacks on the board, but that’s not going to happen.

CFN in 60: 2020 1st Overall Draft Pick Odds
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The more likely curveball at the two will come with a trade. Miami has three first round picks and desperately needs a quarterback – it might try to move up to the two just so no one else sneaks ahead with a trade up with Washington to snag Alabama’s Tua Tagovailoa or Oregon’s Justin Herbert.

And then Detroit snaps up Young with the 3.

Or, this goes chalk and Cincinnati takes Burrow, Washington grabs Young, and Detroit trades out of the 3 to someone moving up to grab a quarterback.

So if you ‘re trying to bet the 3, where do you go? This is where you have to make a big call, but if you hit it … BOOM.

With all of that in mind, using a combination of likelihood and value for the bet, rank the possible 2020 NFL Draft Third Overall Picks on the BetMGM board like this …

One quick note, BetMGM doesn’t have Oregon QB Justin Herbert on the board for this pick, otherwise he’d be on the list.

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5. QB Tua Tagovailoa, Alabama

BetMGM Line: +140

The value isn’t good enough. It’s hardly a bad call putting Tagovailoa at the 3, but 1) someone has to trade up, or 2) Detroit takes him and decides it’s moving on from Matthew Stafford, and 3) everyone blows off Herbert and a slew of other great options for the slot. The odds are more likely that Detroit goes with …

4. CB Jeff Okudah, Ohio State

BetMGM Line: +125

It’s the chalk pick, but there’s not a whole lot of value considering the trade rumors and buzz are way too loud for the slot. Detroit needs defensive back help, and Okudah is about as sure-thing safe as it gets. You’re still on the plus side so there’s coin to be made, but you’re not going to be comfortable.

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3. QB Jordan Love, Utah State

BetMGM Line: +15000

It’s the value shot for the stars. Everyone is assuming it’s Burrow at the 1 – or 2, at worst – and then it’s all about where Tagovailoa and Herbert are going to fall. Not to get all weird, but you know something is up in an NFL draft when everyone is too quiet about a pick. It’s not insane to think a few teams out there really, really like Love enough move up to the 3.

2. LB Isaiah Simmons, Clemson

BetMGM Line: +800

Here’s the thing about the 3 – Simmons is one of the three best players in this year’s NFL draft. The best three in this thing are Young, Okudah and Simmons – they’re all central casting prototypes at their respective positions – and it’s possible Detroit likes this killer of a hybrid linebacker more than Okudah. The value is certainly there to take the chance.

And finally …

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1. DE Chase Young, Ohio State

BetMGM Line: +1000

This is a whole lot more possible than you might think, and why?

Burrow goes No. 1 overall, and someone falls in love with Tua or Herbert. That team gets freaked out that trading with Detroit at the 3 isn’t going to get it done, and it doesn’t want to risk someone else moving up to the 2 to steal its franchise quarterback.

It could very, very easily go quarterback 1, quarterback 2, and then YOINK … Detroit takes Young in one of the fastest picks in the history of the draft.

For the full list of 3rd overall pick odds

Photo credits: Okudah & Okuda Credit: Joe Maiorana; Young Credit: Joe Maiorana; Credit: Randy Sartin-USA TODAY Sports

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