13 things to know about Bills CB Josh Norman

13 things to know about Buffalo Bills reportedly signed cornerback Josh Norman.

Carolina Panthers cornerback Josh Norman. Credit: Jerry Lai-USA TODAY Sports

Might not be a big media guy

The Redskins have the second-overall pick at the upcoming NFL Draft, so yeah, as a team, they struggled last year. That all started in Week 1 in a 31-21 loss to the Cowboys.

Leading up to that game, Norman appeared to have called out Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott, downplaying his skills.

“You stand back there in the pocket all day and go through your first, second and third reads and come back to your first one, OK, cool. Anybody can do that,” Norman said via NBC Sports.

After the loss, Norman went off about the media turning his words into something he didn’t mean in such a negative light, according to him.

“[Prescott] is a great football player. Dak always has been a great football player,” Norman said. “And they did a great job out here today and they showed that. But what I will not do [is] allow the media – or whomever the case may be – [is] stir my words and change them to what they want it to be. It never has been the case. Never have been the case.”

“Because that’s the reason why athletes, entertainers, don’t even want to [expletive] with you guys to be 100 with you,” Norman added. “It’s sad. But now you’ve really got to watch the [reporters] that are doing great jobs. You got to suffer with me because of the spoiled rotten apples that come from hell.”

The rant lasted about three minutes. But Norman has previously had a lot of interesting things to say to reporters, from saying he wants to “smash” [current Giants GM] Dave Gettleman in the grass to going off about Michael Crabtree back in the day.

Good thing Buffalo isn’t a massive media market, something probably appealing to him.

Here’s part of it:

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