11 things to know about new Bills DL Quinton Jefferson

Get to know new Buffalo Bills defensive lineman Quinton Jefferson, who signed in 2020 NFL free agency.

Among their multiple moves in free agency, the signing of Quinton Jefferson is a below the surface signing that could pay dividends.

Jefferson isn’t a former Carolina Panthers lineman, but he still has plenty the Bills like. Notice the title of this piece, Jefferson isn’t identified as a position, rather the 26-year-old gets labeled a positional group. There’s a reason for that, and that gives some reason to believe he could be an impact player for the Bills, one you’d like to get to know.

With that, here are 11 things to know about new Bills defensive lineman Quinton Jefferson:

Seahawks defensive tackle Quinton Jefferson. Credit: Joe Nicholson-USA TODAY Sports

Versatile piece

It’s almost strange these days not starting such a piece with “Carolina connection.” For what it’s worth, he has played twice in Carolina against the Panthers, at least.

Regardless of that, Jefferson can do a lot for the Bills in the trenches. The Bills play a 4-3 defensive front, while his former team, the Seattle Seahawks, played a 3-4. In 2019 alone, Jefferson played with his hand in the dirt in all three positions on Seattle’s front.

For the Bills, that translates to probably playing at the 3-tech spot with Ed Oliver. But the Bills get creative, so don’t be surprised seeing him on the outside of the D-line at defensive end as well. The 6-foot-4, 291 pounder can do a lot for the Bills.

Pass rushing is Jefferson’s bread and butter. Pro Football Focus says Jefferson had the fifth-best win rate on pass rushing snaps in the NFL last season.