10 takeaways from Josh Allen’s offseason press conference

Takeaways from what Josh Allen said during his 2020 offseason press conference.

Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen. (AP Photo/Adrian Kraus)

Where do we go from here?

The NFL’s upcoming offseason schedule is very murky due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Most recently, the NFL announced that minicamps have been cancelled. The league is hoping for training camp to happen, but only time will tell.

During his conversation, Allen dropped a few slight nuggets in regard to what’s up next for him. First, Allen said some members of the offense are hoping to find time and a physical location to once again get together and workout again this offseason, before heading to Buffalo. As mentioned, the group did that in Miami already. In addition, Allen said the Bills have about one week left of their virtual offseason program, as of now.

Finally, Allen said he’s been jumping around different places with family out in California mostly this offseason. Due to the current situation and tough travel, Allen said it’s been tough to link with his offseason QB coach, Jordan Palmer. That’s something Allen is hopeful of doing within the next week as well.