10 best Sega Genesis games ever

Whether you call it Genesis or Mega Drive, Sega’s first home for Sonic The Hedgehog is incredible, and these are the best games ever.

The Sega Genesis – also known as the Sega Mega Drive outside of the US – is one of the most beloved game consoles of all time. It brought the world Sonic the Hedgehog, who is now a beloved movie star, Streets of Rage, which recently had an amazing revival, and Golden Axe, which never got revisited as far as we’re concerned. 

If you wanted fast-paced action-heavy games in the 90s, then Genesis was the place to play. We have written a list of the best SNES games, but the fact is, RPGs are slow and old-hat compared to what the Genesis had cooking at the time. In this list we’ve collated the ten best Sega Genesis games of all time. If you want to revisit some 90s classics, this is where you should start.

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