Zach Randolph: I gave this game my all, and it gave everything back and more. Basketball will always be a part of me. From Marion, to East Lansing, to Portland, NY, LA, Memphis, Sacramento, and everyone in between -thank you all for an incredible journey. Special thank you to the Memphis Grizzlies and the entire city which I will forever call home, my family for always supporting me – my mom, brother, and sisters for taking this journey with me, the Portland Trail Blazers for taking a chance on a young kid from Marion, Coach Moe Smedley, Coach Tom Izzo, Commissioners David Stern and Adam Silver for the opportunity, all the NBA organizations, front offices, staff, and every single teammate. To my agent Raymond Brothers – you’ve not only been my agent my whole career, you’ve been my big brother as well. One love. Z-Bo.
Zach Randolph officially retires