Young MSU fan pens heartfelt note about Mark Dantonio, the football team

Kids. They’re smarter than all of us.

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Kids say the darnedest things.

It’s amazing how in life seemingly wild contradictions can occur. Like a nine-year-old boy displaying the wisdom and perspective of someone many years his senior.

Dr. Ben Hartnell posted to Twitter a letter his young son Fraser penned about what it means to him to be a fan. It’s addressed to Mark Dantonio, Brian Lewerke, MSU football and Spartan fans.

The letter swashes back and forth between to-be-expected comments from a nine-year-old, “My favorite uniform is the all white,” and stunningly poignant pieces of wisdom, like “There are a lot of things sadder than losing a game,” or, “I know it hurts to throw interceptions, but I have done it too. We all throw interceptions. I did not give up, because you can’t be a good QB if you quit when you do that.”

Smart kid.

Take a minute out of your day to read the entire thing.

Cheers to you Fraser–even though you’re a ways away from actually being able to “cheers”–and thanks for the dose of perspective.

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