You can visit national parks for free on Juneteenth

Celebrate outdoors.

On June 19, communities throughout the United States celebrate Juneteenth. While the federal government officially recognized the holiday in 2021, Juneteenth has a history dating back to 1866. The holiday honors the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States, and celebrations range from parades to historical reenactments in national parks. This year, you can also celebrate Juneteenth by visiting one of America’s stunning national parks for free.

The National Park Service (NPS) offers a handful of free entry days throughout the year. As USA Today’s Eve Chen explains, 2024 marks the NPS’s first year waiving entry fees on Juneteenth. Learn more about free entry days here, and check out the list below to find the dates of this year’s other free entry days.

A meadow in front of a mountain.

National park free entry days

  • January 15: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday
  • April 20: Beginning of National Park Week
  • June 19: Juneteenth
  • August 4: Great American Outdoors Act anniversary
  • September 28: National Public Lands Day
  • November 11: Veterans Day