Yankees woes continue with disastrously painful first inning against Cleveland

What a miserable start for New York.

In case you haven’t heard, the New York Yankees are a disaster of a baseball team right now. Coming into Thursday, the Yankees were 6-11 on the year with six losses in their last seven games. Just one week ago, fans were so upset with the team that a game was halted after baseballs were thrown onto the field in disgust.

If the Yankees thought about possibly turning a corner on Thursday, they got off to a miserable start against the Cleveland Indians. In the first inning alone, New York made numerous thoughtless mistakes that gave Cleveland a 3-0 inning off the hop.

Those highlights — or lowlights, if you’d prefer — include:

  • Brett Gardner missing a routine catch in left field.
  • A ball sneaking through Mike Ford at first for an infield hit.
  • Pitcher Domingo German fumbling a softly hit ball to allow a Cleveland run to score.

The German mishap was especially egregious, as everyone remained safe — and Cleveland doubled their score! — on a play that very well should have ended the inning.

The damage at the end of the first for the Yankees was a 3-0 deficit and a cacophony of errors that were excruciatingly painful to watch. Not only that, New York has not been able to overcome a three-run deficit to win a ball game this season.

Things just keep on going from bad to worse in New York, it seems.

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