WWE Raw results: Finn Balor advances as Brock Lesnar costs Cody Rhodes

The Beast came back for Cody at the worst possible time in Jacksonville.

A very early commercial break means we’re a few minutes into the action when the match gets our full attention. Cody Rhodes is looking good, hitting a double Cody Cutter on both Finn Balor and The Miz. Rhodes clutches his shoulder, though, a reminder of his Backlash battle with Brock Lesnar. His Disaster Kick to Balor is on target, though Finn kicks out at two.

Ever the opportunist, Miz comes in with a rally that leads him to a near fall on Rhodes even while the crowd hits him with the “tiny balls” chant. He gets sent to the outside, and Balor has several chances to try to pin Cody.

Balor wants a Coup de Grace but sees Rhodes roll away, and Miz hits Finn with a Skull Crushing Finale that forces a breakup by Cody.

Rhodes talks Balor and falls into an inside cradle, but is able to kick out at two. Back and forth they go until Cody hits Cross Rhodes three times on The Miz. Surely that’s it … and it might be except Brock Lesnar drags him out of the ring and treats him to an F-5.

Balor takes full advantage by pinning The Miz to advance, but Lesnar isn’t done, driving Rhodes through the announce table. He gets a microphone and mockingly asks Rhodes what he wants to talk about. Lesnar wants to talk about them fighting again at Night of Champions, and he soaks in the boos as he laughs his way to the ramp and medical personnel check on Cody.

Click here for full WWE Raw results from Jacksonville.