WWE Raw preview 12/18/23: 2 tag team title matches in Des Moines

Can either The Creed Brothers or Kayden Carter and Katana Chance win gold tonight on WWE Raw?

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We made it, folks. While WWE hasn’t officially announced it yet, the Christmas Day episode of Raw is expected to be a “Best of 2023” show, meaning tonight’s edition from Des Moines, Iowa will be the last live Raw of the year.

(And more than that, probably the last live televised WWE show of 2023, since the Dec. 22 SmackDown was taped last Friday and the Dec. 29 episode is likely to be pre-taped too.)

Happily, that doesn’t mean that WWE is just going to send 2023 out with nothing interesting happening.

Can The Creed Brothers ride their hot streak all the way to gold?

Calling The Creed Brothers impressive since they received their main roster callup would be a little bit of an understatement. They’ve defeated a number of more established teams, and their combination of power, athleticism and teamwork makes for good entertainment every time out.

The Creeds have even defeated two members of The Judgment Day, but let’s face it: They were the weakest duo you could make out of the four male members. It’s a different story altogether going for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship against Damian Priest and Finn Balor, and we’re not quite sure WWE thinks we fans are ready to believe the brothers can take down those two clean. We’ll find out tonight.

Will it be the ultimate party for Kayden Carter and Katana Chance?

WWE has followed some of the same blueprint it used for the Creeds with Kayden Carter and Katana Chance, albeit not spending quite as much time in doing it, establishing them as legitimate tittle threats with victories over several other teams. It would be fun to see them break through and win the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship if only because the titles have so rarely been held by an actual tag team as opposed to two singles wrestlers thrown together.

That goes for current champs Chelsea Green and Piper Niven too. Yet it’s hard to deny that Niven has come alive since she’s been paired with Green, who is a sparkplug that lights up any segment she’s in. Maybe WWE shouldn’t make a title change here right now, even if Carter and Chance deserve it at some point.

We’re set to recap all the action in this last live Raw of the year tonight at 8 p.m. ET, so join us back here at Wrestling Junkie at that time if you need a way to follow along.