WWE Money in the Bank 2023 results: Seth Rollins retains his World Heavyweight Championship

Finn Balor almost had Seth Rollins beaten at Money in the Bank 2023, but a distraction turned the tables. Get full details here.

The announcers put over the seven years of pent-up rage that Finn Balor has been through to get to this moment. The London crowd explodes as the music of Seth Rollins hits, and the singalong is in full effect. Seriously, it goes on for quite some time even after the entrance theme has finished up.

Michael Cole mentions the tape on Rollins’ midsection and wonders if damage Balor did to his ribs leading up to this match will play a factor. The two men go right after each other once the bell rings, and Balor is certainly zeroing in on those ribs.

The champ sends his challenger to the floor and delivers a suicide dive, clutching his side after he connects. Rollins keeps the pressure up with a clothesline, then drags Balor back to the ring. He wants a buckle bomb, perhaps, but Balor fights out and stomps his foe in the ribs.

Balor stays on the attack, tangling Rollins in the ropes and hammering his back. The fight goes to the outside, where Seth takes even more punishment. They return to the ring, and Rollins is backed into the corner and hammered with shoulders.

When Rollins fights out, he still has to pause to collect himself. The two men stand and trade strikes, with Seth eventually winning out. Knees and kicks to Balor follow, as well as a backbreaker and a running knee. That was a nifty flurry.

It’s Balor who gets the next pinfall attempt, though Rollins quickly kicks out and waves Finn in. Rollins hits a buckle bomb but coms off the top rope and catches  only knees. Balor goes up top, shoves Rollins down and looks for the Coup de Grace.

Rollins rolls away and a series of counters leads to a two count on a rollup by the champ. He hits a Pedigree shortly after, crawling over to cover for two. Here comes Damian Priest with his briefcase, watching from the end of the walkway. Interesting.

Balor seizes on the distraction and rolls up Rollins for another two count. Seth goes over to jaw with Damian, who simply has a seat on a folding chair. Finn takes advantage again, knocking down Seth and hitting a Coup de Grace off the announce table and another off the steps.

A shotgun dropkick drives Rollins into the corner, and Balor ascends again but pauses as Priest approaches the ring. Rollins knocks Balor down, hits the Stomp and covers for three.

Click here for full Money in the Bank 2023 results from London.