WWE Fastlane 2023 results: IYO SKY gets valuable help from Bayley to hold off Asuka, Charlotte Flair

Check out how Bayley came through for IYO SKY to help her retain her WWE Women’s Championship at Fastlane.

This has a big fight feel, especially for IYO SKY as she faces two future Hall of Famers at once. Asuka tries to take full advantage of no DQs by spraying the mist in the face of Charlotte Flair, forcing SKY to break up the pin.

Asuka tries to take control against SKY but soon finds herself barely kicking out as the champ outmaneuvers her on the mat. A kick from the Empress turns things around, but Flair is back in the mix and nails Asuka with a big boot.

Flair unloads on Asuka in the corner until SKY jumps on her back. That only slows Charlotte down a second, as she delivers a back suplex to Asuka before taking a stomp to the chest from the champ.

SKY uses an acrobatic transition to apply a crossface on Flair, who also takes a head kick from Asuka. The champ hits a missile dropkick on Asuka but is greeted up top by the Empress, who is fired up after hitting a release German suplex. A sliding dropkick follows for a near fall.

Flair hits a high cross body on both her opponents as the crowd starts to “whooo” for her chops. There’s a double suplex as a reversal too, leaving Flair wondering which person to attack next. She drives SKY into the top turnbuckle, then hits her stepover clothesline on both foes, covering Asuka for a near fall.

With the challengers struggling with each other, SKY uses a sunset flip to set off a series of pinning attempts between her and Asuka. SKY takes her time before launching a suicide dive onto Flair, raising her arms in triumph.

Flair regains the momentum and has Asuka down and SKY outside … but only for a moment. Asuka returns and hits a double powerbomb, trying to pin Charlotte but only getting two.

Asuka gets Flair in an armbar but soon finds herself in a Boston crab. Back and forth they go until Flair goes for the Figure Eight, but SKY is back for a meteora on Charlotte for a near fall of her own.

Charlotte finds herself in two submissions at once from her opponents until SKY sets off some more fun three-person spots. Flair emerges from the chaos to spear Asuka, looking incredulous when that doesn’t end it.

Bayley makes her way to ringside, trying to revive SKY. Flair cares not for that, nailing IYO with a big boot but turning into a Codebreaker from Asuka that almost ends it.

The crowd has the “this is awesome” chant going now. Asuka is in the Figure Eight and looks like she is tapping out, but Bayley distracts the ref so it isn’t seen. SKY comes off the top with the Over the Moonsault and is able to pin Flair to retain her gold.

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