WWE Crown Jewel 2023 results: Logan Paul is golden thanks to some brass (knuckles)

Logan Paul took a shortcut to beat Rey Mysterio for his first WWE title at Crown Jewel.

Logan Paul is shown driving the desert in a dune buggy before driving right onto the stage for his ring entrance. The fans come to life for Rey Mysterio as he makes his way down the ramp. Wade Barrett puts over Paul’s punching power, but of course he can fly as well.

Paul looks typically confident as he works through the opening wrestling exchanges. Rey has some tricks, of course, including a rolling throw out of the corner.

Mysterio hits a high cross body but sees Paul roll through into a fireman’s carry. A springboard moonsault gets the challenger a near fall.

Paul opens up with strikes in the corner, and Rey stumbles forward and falls at his foe’s feet. A waistlock takedown has Mysterio in trouble, and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker gets Paul another two count.

A gorilla press slam leads to a Warrior splash and yet another near fall for the challenger. Paul grabs and lifts Rey into a bearhug, though Mysterio is able to get his feet under him on the mat. Logan uses a gutwrench backbreaker but gets arm dragged to break the hold.

That only slows Logan for a second as he taunts Rey in the corner. But he misses a corner charge and ends up splattered out on the floor. Mysterio rolls Paul back into the ring and heads up top for a senton and a springboard cross body that forces the challenger into a kickout.

Rey tries a couple more pinning predicaments for two counts each time. Paul fires back with a Buckshot lariat, then covers for his own two. Mysterio grabs a crossface, but Paul manages to crawl to the ropes even with one arm trapped.

Mysterio goes for a springboard moonsault, but Paul grabs and plants him for another near fall. Both men head to the top rope, where Paul is knocked to the canvas before fighting back up to meet the champ. Logan pulls off a moonsault fallaway powerslam (which probably has a name of which I am unaware) that nearly wins it.

After mocking the late Eddie Guerrero, Paul is forced to roll through a frog splash attempt, and now Mysterio is on offense. They head up to the turnbuckles again, where Paul is able to pull off a sunset flip bomb, then a Code Red that gets a very close near fall.

As Logan is over by the ropes, one of his podcast dudes hands him a pair of brass knuckles … though he quickly gets them knocked back out to the floor. Santos Escobar prevents Paul’s crony from grabbing them again, though they end up on the mat.

Paul takes a 619 but grabs the knux, and he’s able to smash Mysterio in midair to get the pinfall and Rey’s title.

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