WrestleMania 39 results: Even with help, Logan Paul can’t conquer Seth Rollins

Who won in the battle of the Visionary vs. the Maverick? See if Seth Rollins defeated Logan Paul at WrestleMania 39.

Logan Paul wins the award for wrestler who enjoyed their entrance the most, ziplining onto the ramp from one corner of SoFi Stadium before being joined by an anthropomorphic Prime bottle. No to be outdone, Seth Rollins had an orchestral conductor lead the singing of his song. His entrance gear could only be described as a shiny ref cape like the train of a wedding dress. Very on brand. Paul appeared to be yawning in one corner as Rollins continued to soak in his song.

After the bell rings to kick things off, Seth is able to outwrestle Logan and run him over with a shoulder tackle. A kick to the midsection leads to a Stomp attempt, but Paul rolls away and kips up into a standoff.

Several leapfrogs give Paul a chance to toss Rollins to the floor and mock his song. An angry Rollins gets a takedown and fights Paul back into the corner, preventing him from rolling to the floor. Paul battles back quickly to put Rollins on the mat, holding the back of his head.

A right to the body and more punches leave Rollins doubled over, and Logan soon sends him all the way down. Paul steps on Rollins’ chest and moves away from his corner charge, and a standing moonsault gives Paul a two count. He tries two more times for the pin but sees Rollins keep kicking out.

After Rollins hits two forearm shots, Paul hits a Russian leg sweep and stretches Seth on the mat. Rollins brawls his way to his feet but takes a gutwrench suplex and has to kick out at two again.

Paul tries to jump onto the turnbuckles and execute a moonsault but crashes hard when Rollins rolls away. Seth is fired up, propelled by the fans, and builds momentum. He yells at Paul while sending him out to the floor.

Rollins hits one, two, then three straight suicide dives. He stomps Paul’s right hand, which the announcers praise as a smart move. He wants a Pedigree too but has to settle for a rollup, and the two men exchange pinning predicaments until Paul can land a big right hand.

Rollins is face down but Paul is slow to cover and can only get two. Rollins has a quick counter in his pocket as Paul closes in for the kill, and this time it’s Logan who is barely able to kick out in time. Paul needs a hand, and he gets it from the Prime bottle, who reveals himself to be Logan’s business partner, KSI.

Paul and KSI clear the announce table, with KSI readying a phone to record Paul coming off the top rope. Rollins outsmarts them, though, pulling KSI in to take the bump through the table. Hustling them back in the ring, Rollins hits a Pedigree but Paul manages to kick out at the last second.

Rollins hits a discus elbow, then smashes Paul in the back of the neck. Stomp? Nope, Paul counters with a GTS. He heads up top, executing a huge frog splash … and seeing Rollins kick out before the three can fall.

Paul has designs of going coast to coast from a corner, but Rollins hits him with a superkick, following with a Stomp to finish the match.