Won’t ever have to worry about Pittman making comments like Kiffin

Lane Kiffin has dealt with plenty of negative press before. But this latest firestorm is something that he likely hasn’t dealt with.

Yesterday it was reported that Ole Miss defensive tackle DeSanto Rollins had filed a lawsuit in United States Federal Court alleging that Lane Kiffin and the Rebels program had ignored his mental health and caused him distress.

The lawsuit includes an exchange in which Kiffin was legally recorded (according to Mississippi law) but the head coach was unaware he was being recorded, where Kiffin and the player were meeting about his absence from team activities in the offseason.

“See ya. Go, go, and guess what, we can kick you off the team, so go read your f****** rights about mental health. We can kick you off the team, for not showing up, when the head coach asks to meet with you and you don’t show up for weeks. OK, we can remove you from the team.

This is definitely going to turn into a mudslinging fest in court, and neither side will come out looking any better in the long run.

Some programs may look at the player and thinks he looks like someone who isn’t afraid to rat out his coach and bail on his program at the first sign of trouble.

Meanwhile, other SEC programs are going to have a field day with those quotes of Kiffin.

Can you imagine Sam Pittman treating a player that way? Pittman may be a lot of things, but I’ve never heard any players profess that Pittman was a jerk or couldn’t care less about him.

These kinds of things have followed Kiffin around for years, however. How Ole Miss handles it will definitely be interesting to follow.