WolverinesWire joins The Michigan Insider to discuss recent protest

WolverinesWire publisher Isaiah Hole joined Sam Webb and Ira Weintraub on WTKA to discuss Michigan football at the Black Lives Matter march.

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On Tuesday, I marched in the ‘Justice for George Floyd’ protest in Ann Arbor, a peaceful gathering of people who seek answers for police brutality and the abolition of racism in this country.

I did so apolitically and I famously shy away from being vocal about social issues, but as a bi-racial man who’s experienced my fair share of racism in my lifetime, I’ve felt like it’s been time to get involved.

I was surprised when I arrived at the corner of S. State Street and S. University on Tuesday morning when I started seeing so many familiar faces, as many on the football team, including staff and coaches, joined to make their voices and support heard. I wrote about it here, in case you missed it.

On Wednesday morning, I joined Sam Webb and Ira Weintraub on The Michigan Insider on WTKA 1270 AM to discuss not only the Michigan contingent and the player reaction (you can read my exclusive with defensive end Luiji Vilain here), but why I didn’t join the protest for political reasons, also why I didn’t cover it the way that I would cover other Michigan-related events. Also, I spoke on why I’ve tried to be more thought provoking and have avoided the left vs. right battle when it comes to social issues, including this one.

Listen to the entire conversation below:

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