With Lonzo and LaMelo likely leaving, was Big Baller Brand a success?

Big Baller Brand almost certainly is heading into a new phase of the company and potentially it’s final phase, but has it been a success so far?

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A slew of recent information and reports seems to indicate that at least the current iteration of Big Baller Brand is over. LaMelo Ball leaving to sign with Puma was the first big blow and Lonzo may reportedly be soon to follow. The only public association either has had with the company over the better part of the last year was a lyric in one of Lonzo’s songs on his latest album. He later revealed, though, that the songs had been recorded in 2018 before being put on an album and released in 2020.

Without its two biggest stars, and really it’s only two stars, Big Baller Brand can not feasibly continue in its current state. Both Lonzo and LaMelo are massively popular on social media but a company model based on exclusivity and overpriced products can’t survive without them, especially when it barely survived with them.

LaVar and the company seem to be aware of the reality based on the latest episode of Ball in the Family. He spoke about the poor sales the company was suffering through during the pandemic while also discussing an ambitious new plan that would include a new Ball Sports Complex being built. It’s not to say the plan may not be viable, but it reads a lot like a company taking a big risk looking to spark a company.

If that’s the case, it may be time to start wondering if Big Baller Brand was a success. A company created for the Ball family by the head of the family is now seeing multiple members of the family leave. Determining if Big Baller Brand was a success though also depends on what the aim of the company was.

In LaVar’s eyes, the aim of the company was something far greater than any realistic outcome. But even if the company did fall short of LaVar’s expectations, they did create something memorable and ultimately successful, albeit with plenty of speed bumps.

Financially, it’s unclear just how successful the company was, and that’s before taking into account the Alan Foster situation and his role in the company. The family is set for life and while all of that money may not have come directly from Big Baller Brand itself, the totality of what LaVar created played a role in that, the company included.

Big Baller Brand itself may not have directly put money in LaVar’s pockets, but its indirect impact is still felt. People will always remember the $495 ZO2s. They will remember the BBB logo or the “Stay In Yo Lane” shirts. Does being memorable equate to success?

Lonzo and LaMelo are two of the most popular professional basketball players as well, and a large reason for their relevance is due to Big Baller Brand.  Both have capitalized on their popularity, LaMelo reportedly signing a nine-figure shoe deal with Puma and Lonzo potentially following suit. The family as a whole will still have “Ball in the Family.” The company served as a launching point for the family to gain fame and they parlayed that into other success both individually and as a group. Does being a launching pad equate to success?

Big Baller Brand will be looked back upon by entrepreneurs and business-starters as well. Rarely does a company start from the ground up and achieve such international fame as Big Baller Brand did. Even if the company doesn’t last long-term, it’s already served as motivation for others to start their own businesses. Does being a pioneer equate to success?

The company isn’t guaranteed to go under, but it is heading in a new direction. LaVar and the company have learned from its mistakes and is evolving, though it may be too late. Regardless, Big Baller Brand has a legacy of a company that reached heights few others have in its very short time. That sure seems like a success.

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