Winners and losers for Raiders in Week 11 vs Bengals

Raider’s wire takes a look at the Winners and Losers from a close victory for the Oakland Raiders against the Cincinnati Bengals

Winner: CB Trayvon Mullen

When the Raiders traded Gareon Conley, there was a wonder throughout the nation of who his replacement would be. The front office and the coaching staff believed Trayvon Mullen should be the one to take over the starting spot. Mullen has not disappointed having his best game of the season and consistently displaying why he was a second-round pick for the Raiders.

Mullen finished the game with 5 tackles displaying his ability to work the cover 2 zone and come up and make tackles to slow down offenses.

He almost had a pick-six breaking on the football on a quick out route, and Raiders fans have seen this before with him almost housing pass attempts during his tenure at the starting the corner position. The second-round pick finally broke through with his first interception of the season sealing the game for the Raiders.

Guenther has to be thrilled with the progression of his young cornerback as he continues to grow with every game. Mullen has the skill set to excel in this defensive scheme with great instincts and tackling ability. The Raiders defense vitally needs help in the secondary, Mullen might actually be the answer for this long-time issue.
