Will the NFL play on Sunday?

With more and more news of positive tests in the NFL coming out – is it safe to assume Sunday of Week Four gets started as planned?

I’ve been keeping my nose out of the NFL early on this weekend beyond thinking about who I’m going to start on my fantasy team, but as the fifth Saturday of college football has come and gone and I get ready to say goodnight, I can’t help but wonder if we’re going to have professional football played when I wake up.

Is it a dramatic take to even wonder?

I’ll let you decide that but there is quite a bit amiss here.

Obviously the Steelers and Titans game for this weekend was already postponed earlier this week after the news that came out of Nashville of positive tests in the Titans facilities and more news came later in the week that has already put their game next weekend in perceived jeopardy.

Saturday also saw the news that Cam Newton has tested positive for COVID-19 and as a result, the Patriots will no longer be clashing with the defending champion Chiefs this weekend.

Then we get the news from Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk that a New Orleans Saints player who took the team flight to Detroit on Saturday has tested positive.

Florio also added the following in the wee-hours of Sunday morning:

I hope I’m just sleep-deprived and thinking the worst in all of this but I really hope I don’t wake up to a Sunday of NFL games having been called off.