Why ‘Matrix 4’ and ‘John Wick 4’ probably won’t open on the same day

Sorry, but studios care too much about money.

I hate to be the one to put a damper on what has been dubbed ‘Keanu Day,’ but there’s no way that the long awaited, never-thought-it-was-gonna-happen sequel ‘Matrix 4’ and everyone’s favorite assassin-who-loves-dogs franchise ‘John Wick 4’ are going to hit theaters on the same day.

Earlier this week, Warner Bros. Studios announced the release date for a few of their upcoming films. among them ‘Matrix 4,’ which has been slated for May 21, 2021. Coincidentally that’s the same day as Lionsgate’s ‘John Wick 4’, which also stars the iconic Keanu Reeves.

The initial news set the internet ablaze with excitement as fans rejoiced at the prospect of SO MUCH KEANU on the same day, but as fun as it would be, the reality is that it probably won’t happen.

First off,  there’s the very practical factor of making movies. These things take a ton of time and the process is very unpredictable. There are script delays, production delays, special effects delays, and (god forbid) what if someone gets hurt on set.  The initial release date is a good ballpark to shoot for, but these dates are never set in stone.

Second, and more likely factor, is that neither Lionsgate or Warner Bros. is going to want to share the spotlight and news cycle with a competing Keanu film. Both films are poised to be huge at the box office, and it’s highly doubtful that either studio would consider losing out on even a smidge of revenue against significant competition.

While ‘John Wick 4’ and ‘Matrix 4’ are technically two different genres–action film vs sci-fi— the real draw is Keanu Reeves and none of you losers can pretend otherwise.  The dedicated fan base may be willing to splurge on two movies in one weekend, but not many other people will.

Additionally, studios care a lot about box office records and magazine covers and headlines. Depending on pre-release buzz,  they won’t compromise on “winning the weekend” or “winning the summer” or whatever else it is they like to brag about. Tons of money is being invested in these franchises, and movies, like everything else is a business.  They want the best return on their investment and that won’t happen by sharing the spotlight.

It seems reasonable to assume that the launch of ‘Matrix 4’, which some thought would never happen, is going to dominate entertainment news for the weekend of its release. It’s doubtful that Lionsgate will be cool with ‘John Wick 4’ getting pushed into the second tier.

If the studios weren’t cowards, they would leave the release dates as is and let fans bask in the tremendous Keanu-ness of it all, but, sadly, that’s about as likely and Neo and John Wick themselves teaming up.

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