Why Dolphins fans should be thankful for Brian Flores

Brian Flores gives Dolphins fans something to be thankful for this season.

On this Thanksgiving, Miami Dolphins fans may find themselves searching for genuine reasons to be thankful for their football team. The Dolphins sit at 2-9, seem to add an additional player to injured reserve each week and are facing a long five weeks before the team is poised to leap into the upcoming offseason and giving a rebuild their best effort.

What is there to possibly be thankful for? The Dolphins still sit at ground zero for their rebuild and players considered true assets are few and far between. How can we be excited about the future with many of the best things going in Miami currently serving as anonymous draft picks?

Brian Flores.

For the first time in a long time, the Dolphins seem to have identified a football coach worthy of the title “head coach”. Not an “offensive guru”, not to sexy, hot hire. But a legitimate coach that conducts himself humbly while simultaneously demanding respect and asks his team to play the game the right way.

The Miami Dolphins’ team philosophy for years has been to try to buy finished products to step into the lineup and provide Miami with the critical pieces to make a jump. And as we all know, that hasn’t worked particularly well. Brian Flores’ staff is showing that player improvement and development isn’t just a myth, it is a real life thing and it now presides in Miami. With Flores at the helm, the Dolphins have been a team that has had numerous young players (but not all of them) show growth throughout the Dolphins’ first 11 games.

That’s something to be thankful for. Because as hungry as everyone who roots for the Dolphins is for a savior behind center, there are 52 other spots on a football roster that need to be filled — and Miami’s probably got viable answers at 12 of them. Brian Flores’ developmental culture may ask for some difficult challenges now, in year one. But the hope it provides Dolphins fans for life with a good football team in South Florida is something to find gratitude in.

Genuine change is hard. Stephen Ross is committed to making it and he’s got the right man leading the locker room to successfully implement it.

Let us give thanks for that.

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