Which Steelers coordinator is under more pressure in 2020?

The Steelers coordinators have all the roster talent they need to win.

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The Pittsburgh Steelers roster is loaded. There’s no other way to say it. Pittsburgh has as much talent on both sides of the football as any team in the NFL. There are many NFL coordinators who would love to have the players offensive coordinator Randy Fichtner and defensive coordinator Keith Butler has to work with.

So after two missed playoff opportunities in the last two seasons, which coordinator heads into 2020 with more pressure on them?

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For us, it’s all about Fichtner. He got a pass last season when Ben Roethlisberger got hurt but the truth is when Big Ben went down, Fichtner just threw his hand up and surrendered. This isn’t what you want from your OC. Assuming there are no more catastrophic injuries this season,

Butler on the other hand got things on track last season. And with minimal losses on the defensive roster, should be in a position to have another strong season out of this group.

Cast your vote and tell us which coordinator is under more pressure to produce this season.

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