Which offensive line position is most critical for Dolphins’ overhaul?

The Miami Dolphins are set to overhaul their

Recent reports indicate that the Miami Dolphins’ offseason plans are going to include a heavy duty dose of new offensive linemen here in Miami. That approach will mark a welcomed change for Dolphins fans everywhere, as this team has been held back by poor, inconsistent offensive line play for the past several seasons.

But which position will serve as the most critical upgrade? The most common answer is likely left tackle — but there are some counterpoints to that assertion that make this conversation a bit more interesting.

First and foremost, the Dolphins have had good play at the left tackle position over the past few years with Laremy Tunsil and Branden Albert — yet the team’s line play was still underachieving. Of course no offensive line is going to flip the switch with just a single player, but left tackle alone hasn’t helped to boost Miami’s poor play up front. As a matter of fact, the Dolphins have had sturdy offensive tackles in Tunsil and Ja’Wuan James as recently as 2018. The interior of the offensive line has been a much bigger sore spot for Miami, and that’s where they need to make sure they sort out their issues.

Most notably? Center. Daniel Kilgore is currently the incumbent starter at center — Miami needs to ensure that’s not the case to open next season. Kilgore’s presence in the middle hinders the Dolphins’ ability to reset the line of scrimmage, climb to linebackers and create clear running lanes and fails to prevent quick penetration on passing downs.

Long story short, Kilgore’s starting status is anchoring the Dolphins’ entire offensive line. And not in a good way. Getting a more stout, more mobile centerpiece opens up the Dolphins to so much more success in both pass protection and the running game. So yes. Consider left tackle a dire need for this Miami Dolphins’ roster. But the team should be just as, if not more, concerned with finding their keystone player in the middle.

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