Where will Tom Brady play next year? A thoughtful debate

Tom Brady’s cryptic social media post has people thinking his time in New England may be over. Where should he play next year?

Tom Brady got all of the NFL world in a tizzy this week when he posted a cryptic photo to his social media that appeared to show him walking out of a stadium. Was he saying goodbye to the season … or New England … or his career? Or was it just a silly social media post to get some attention?

Who knows!

It got us thinking, though: Where should Brady go next? There’s been whispers about the 49ers, rumblings that he could be with the Titans. People have pointed out that it would be poetic for him to go to the Giants, which would be hilarious. He could also still go right back to the Patriots.

We asked the staff of FTW what they thought Brady should do next.

Brady should join the Colts

As I wrote last month, it’s the Colts. The Colts are the ONLY team that make sense for Brady. He needs a good offensive line, a good coaching staff and a team with enough money to pay him the salary he’s always deserved. Indianapolis is the only QB-needy team that checks all three of those boxes, provided Tom can get over the whole “living in Indiana” thing. — Steven Ruiz

Brady should stay in New England

There’s only one place Tom Brady should play next season and it’s the same place he’s always played – New England. After leading the Patriots to the Super Bowl in three straight years, a suddenly down year of 12-4 has everyone thinking he’s done and can’t be successful anymore and should go somewhere else to try to win a Super Bowl?

LOL, OK. Good one. Brady goes back to New England, Belichick adds some pieces to both sides of the ball, and New England goes back to Super Bowl 55. Sometimes things really are that easy. — Andy Nesbitt

Brady should retire and start Male Goop

Gwyneth Paltrow has made like a hajillion dollars with Goop, her lifestyle brand that tells women that they should drink dandelion nectar for better posture, or whatever. Goop is a major, major brand. She just got a TV show (!) on Netflix.

Tom Brady is already halfway there. He has sold re-energizing pajamas and has a diet that doesn’t allow him to eat nightshades and has written a book on his “method” and he hasn’t even retired yet. Can you imagine what this man will do with free time?

Retire, Tom. Form that corporation. Next summer we’ll all be in Joshua Tree sipping ionized water from the TB12 Method-branded lily pads. Let’s do it. Male Goop. MALE GOOP. — Nate Scott

Brady should go to the Giants

So what if Daniel Jones is there? What’s that phrase again? Oh right. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. — Charles Curtis

Brady should just walk away

Tom Brady should go wherever his wife Gisele Bundchen’s career takes him. Or wherever his children’s hobbies take him. Or wherever whatever interests he finds he has after giving up football take him.

Yeah, Brady has boasted about playing forever. And to a man who has accomplished pretty much everything people said he wouldn’t, proving others wrong by shattering expectations is like a narcotic. But Tom, buddy, there’s beauty in sitting on an island somewhere, too. Maybe even drink a beer. Get really out there, try a strawberry.

I’m not here to psychoanalyze Tom Brady; his passion for football is astounding, and I’m sure there’s things we should take from that. And we should all get to do whatever it is we love most for the most time possible — long me we all run. But this week of all weeks is a reminder that none of it is promised.

But also he should go to the Raiders because we all deserve to see just how withering a look Brady can give Jon Gruden. And vice versa. — Chris Korman

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