Where do the Jags rank in positional spending this season?

Only one team is spending more on the defensive side of the ball than the Jags, and that’s the Pittsburgh Steelers.

The Jacksonville Jaguars spent big this offseason and a good chunk of their spending went to the defensive side. When considering the unit struggled to stopped a lot of offenses, especially against the run where they ranked 23rd, that’s not surprising.

However, one thing going in their favor that helps offset their defensive spending is the fact that they have quarterback Trevor Lawrence under his rookie deal, and it will continue to be that way for at least two more seasons. They also have other notable players on even cheaper deals like James Robinson, who is their best offensive player, but is playing on an undrafted rookie contract.

All of that said, we decided to look at the Jags positional spending heading into this regular season using the projections from Over the Cap. Here is where they stand on both the offensive and defensive sides of the ball after an offseason where they spent the most guaranteed money in NFL history: