Where Dan Snyder’s Commanders parting fine of $60 million ranks in NFL history

Compared to what the league’s handed out before, this was not a small dent.

Dan Snyder’s nearly 25-year-long tenure as owner of the Washington Commanders came to an end on Thursday as he sold the franchise to Josh Harris.

And after ruining a Washington D.C. institution while reportedly treating his employees like garbage, Snyder received quite a hefty parting “gift” — a $60 million fine as a result of an investigation into some of his financial misconduct. For a man who just made over $6 billion in a sale, it’s probably not the biggest dent in his checkbook.

But, when compared to NFL history, this is no small number.

Let’s take a look at where Snyder’s last fine related to the Commanders (for now) ranks by the league’s past precedent.