‘When you die I celebrate’: Conor McGregor, Ali Abdelaziz exchange heated words

Things got personal once again between Conor McGregor and Khabib Nurmagomedov’s manager Ali Abdelaziz.

[autotag]Khabib Nurmagomedov[/autotag] might be retired, but the feud between [autotag]Conor McGregor[/autotag] and manager Ali Abdelaziz continues.

On Wednesday, McGregor and Abdelaziz, the CEO of Dominance MMA, engaged in an intense back-and-forth on Twitter. The exchange commenced when McGregor tweeted a screenshot of Nurmagomedov’s face from an infamous bus attack incident in April 2018.

The image was captioned, “Bastrykin! Where is Khabib’s ‘sh*t in his pants medal’? He need this for sh*t his pants 10 rows back.”