When Will NCAA Allow College Sports to Return?

Will we have college football in 2020? The NCAA released a plan for a return to the playing field for college sports in 2020.



In accordance with the federal guidelines, if Phase One has been implemented successfully, with no evidence of a rebound, and gating criteria have been satisfied for a minimum of 14 days since the implementation of Phase One:

Vulnerable individuals should continue to shelter in place.

Awareness and proper isolating practices related to vulnerable individuals in residences should continue.

Physical distancing should continue.

Gatherings of more than 50 people should be avoided unless precautionary measures of physical distancing and sanitization are in place.

Gyms and common areas where student-athletes and staff are likely to congregate and interact should remain closed, or appropriate distancing and sanitation protocols should be implemented.

Virtual meetings should continue to be encouraged whenever possible and feasible.

Nonessential travel may resume.

NEXT: Resocialization of sport for Phase Three